Friday, November 25, 2011

Fly Across the Ocean

This week I bought my plane tickets to Africa!!! It is both exciting...and scary...and almost hard to even believe. I feel like this step actually makes it real...I am going to Africa. Wow. I am so blessed by how God worked out the flights. I had been looking for weeks and found (what I thought) were some pretty good deals on flights, but when I went to book them it wouldn't let me or would take me to a site where the flight was almost $500 more expensive than what it had originally been. So I kept praying about it and checking the flights. But they kept getting more and more expensive. It was a little discouraging but I just kept trusting that God had a plan. Then this week one of my friends at work, who is from Kenya, suggested looking at flights from D.C. So I started looking at flights out of different cities and found a flight out of Seattle for $1300! I still have to find a flight to Seattle but even so it will still be much cheaper than the other flights I was looking at. I am so thankful for God's faithfulness in this and all of the answered prayers. I feel this is further confirmation that this is where God is calling me next summer. I leave May 17 and return July 4th. I can't wait! There are still many details to work out but I look forward to seeing how God works in all of this.
This week was Thanksgiving and I feel like this is just one more blessing that God has poured into my life and one more thing to be thankful for.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

More Than Inspired...

    This week I started the application process for my trip to Africa next summer. Chills shoot through me and I feel goose bumps raise on my arms as I write those words. It's hard to even explain...but it's like I have waited for this for so long...and now it's actually going to happen?
     Last spring I flew to Florida and took training so that I could work in a Rafiki Village in Africa. The people there are amazing, with amazing hearts for God. If you want to know more about Rafiki you can visit their website:
      Before the training started I remember sitting in the Orlando Airport wondering, "God, what am I doing here? I knew it was where I was supposed to be and what I wanted to do... but there are so many times when I doubt. I doubt myself, I doubt what I am doing and what I want to do...and it is those moments that God speaks to me and says, "Do you really truly trust me? Are you going to follow no matter where I lead, no matter how scary it seems and no matter how out of your control it is?"
     Honestly, the thought of actually going both excites and terrifies me. But I know this is what God has called me to. He planted this in my heart years ago and I have chosen to say, "Yes Lord, I trust you. Here I am. Send me." Sometimes the thought that I don't want to do this alone crosses my mind...and then God reminds me, "You will never be alone. Surely I am with you always..."
     As of right now, I have a spot reserved in the Rafiki Village in Uganda from May 20-June 20. I have also submitted an application to Visiting Orphans in hopes to do a two week mission with them in Uganda and Ethiopia. There are still so many details to figure out but I am trusting God to lead me as I take this step of faith.
      As I write this, the words of a Matthew West song keep playing in my head, "I could choose not to move, but I refuse." How many times are we inspired, yet do nothing about it? How many times are we moved, yet go right back to our comfortable lives as usual? I know for me, the answer to that is too many times. And so it is that I come to this point where I choose to be more than inspired. I choose to go. Yes Lord, I trust you. Send me.