Monday, May 14, 2012


I am overwhelmingly and abundantly blessed. I am in awe of how God provides and amazed at how he cares about the details of our lives. John 1:16 says, "From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another." I feel like this has been so true in my life. I have the most wonderful and amazing family that has filled me up full to the brim with love...then loved me enough to let me go so that I can pursue the call I feel God has placed on my heart: to share this love with others in Africa. I have the most amazing church, family and friends who have loved me, supported me and encouraged me as I prepare to leave.

I feel as if God just continues to pour out blessing after blessing in my life. It leaves me humbled, overwhelmed and amazed because I know there is nothing I have done to deserve this. First of all he called me to this amazing opportunity to go to Africa (which I have dreamed of for years), then I was able to watch as he orchestrated details that were completely out of my own control, and now he has shown his provision in amazing ways. I still feel as if I am in shock and awe over today as I write this! This morning my home church, Glacierview Bible Church, blessed me with prayers and a send-off during the service. After the service people overwhelmed me with generosity and gave me money for my the end of the day I had been given exactly TO THE DOLLAR what I still owe Visiting Orphans (and it was even an unusual random amount of money!). This was such a wonderful reminder and confirmation that God cares about these things and that this is where he wants me this summer. I don't even understand it all, and while I'm on this earth I probably never will, but I do know that God is good. Some days it may not feel like it and there are days that I do not seem to see it, but on days like today I feel as if God pulls back a curtain and allows me to catch a glimpse of how good he is and how great his love is for us. I am extremely grateful and couldn't have asked for better people surrounding me in life.

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